Saturday, September 13, 2008


Apparently, I am not monogamous. I have, to date, 4 wives. Yeah, just like a Muslim guy. I mean, no offense or anything, I was just commenting on the number. =x So yea, from the 1st to the last: My baby in USA, my handphone (it's the main way we communicate), my laptop (how else can I send her emails?) and my desktop (wide screen, perfect for movies. Enough said.).

Hahaha. So apparently I cant keep my hands off my other wives, which is making my baby jealous. LOL! She says when she comes over, she's going to have a good long talk with my laptop, and I'm not allowed in the room when she does it. LOL! She's goofy.

Talking about goofy. My baby is goofy, but sweet. She would insist on waiting up for me every day. And if she's tired, she'll never admit it. She'll put the blame on everything else, ranging from the baby to the radio. There's even a new addition this time: the air con.

She kept insisting that she's not tired, yet, when I asked her to close her eyes, she fell asleep immediately to the sound of my voice putting her to bed. She's a pig, MY pig. She's so cute that even when she was about to sleep, she told me: Just so you know, it really was the air con. It wasn't me. (She was yawning)

I love her little ways, because they're so cute. Thinking back on her little behaviour and habits, makes me want to smile and shake my head at the same time. She's adorable to a fault. There should be a law against people as irresistable as her. =P I love that panda of mine. Sue me for being so into her, but soon, you'll understand why. =X

(P/s: Perhaps I should start calling her goofball? lol)

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