Thursday, October 02, 2008


Here's another post about my girlfriend, a full fledged post about her. She's an angel, my angel, who's going off to medical school soon. She's going to be a nurse. I totally support her, and I'm proud of her, but, it means not really being able to talk to her.

I mean, I know this would happen sooner or later. The moment she said she wants to continue her studies, I knew it would happen. These past few days have been a blessing. I would talk to her on the phone, chat with her online, and actually get replies to my emails. Never have I woken up just to sit in front of the computer except for these past few days. The moment I wake up, I call her, and we promise to meet each other online. I would sit there for hours. It makes it feel like the times we used to share, talking for hours on end, about nothing in particular. I mean, I would prefer to talk to her thro the phone, but if this is as good as it gets, I'm not complaining.

I remember not going online after 11 pm last time, during my semester break after finals. Why? Because she would call, and we would talk till 3, 4am. And the phone would always cut us off after 1 hour 30 minutes. LOL! Those were the days I would charge my phone every single day, just because we talk so long. She would even send me text message while we talk, jz to tease me or to make a point. I still remember once, I got a scolding from my dad, cz he realized that I was STILL on the phone at 4 am. I told Tashie about it, and she was like, 'oh-ho!' Haha...

But now, she's back home, and she's going to start school soon. She was the one who told me that we might not talk to each other as often as we do right now. When I read that email, as soon as I could after I woke up, I felt like crying. The sharp stabs of pain in my heart just goes to prove how much she means to me. She's such a huge part of my life. I know what life would be like without talking to her, and I don't ever want to go through that again if I can help it.

I want to be the one to wake her up each morning, and I want to be the last person to talk to her before she sleeps. I want to be there for her when she's down, when she's injured. My baby hurts herself so often I can't help shaking my head. Sigh... That idiot... I think I love her even more... =x

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