Monday, November 30, 2009



I saw.
I saw the clear blue sky, on a summer's day;
A rainbow after the rain.
I see,
Night reigns supreme.


I heard.
I heard the church bells on a Sunday morning, loud and clear;
The softest whisper of a lover.
Right now,
Everything's covered in a golden haze.


I smelt.
I smelt the ocean in the breeze,
The various fragrance donned by the fairer sex.
I discern nothing at present,
And am as useful as a talentless sommelier.


I tasted.
I tasted freshly caught fish on a Japanese boat,
A magnitude of flavors in a home-cooked dish.
I taste, a worldrenowed dish prepared by a master chef,
And of my extensive vocabulary, none save one fits the bill: bland.


I felt.
I felt the sun on my face, the wind in my hair;
The joy of making you smile, hearing you laugh.
I feel,
The emptiness that threatens to swallow everything in sight.


You're like a snowflake, the ambrosia of immortals.
Like the wind you are, yet as human as a thief.
A changed man I am, yet not for the better,
From your absence a void came into existence.
If being without you means nothing is right, then Death shall claim my mortal shell.

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