yo yo!!! Laura's here!!! I'mmmmm BACK!!!!!!!!! hahahhaa.....
well..... as you guys know, or maybe not, FINALS is coming!!! hahhaha.... and here I am, blogging instead of studying... ah well!! a gal has to have break(s) some times!! hahaha...... have been rather busy these past few days, not exactly studying.. *hint hint* but tat should stop now. no more time for fooling around. :D time to hit the books!! soon... wahahhaha....
hmm...... i suppose i should post some pics, right? guess i'll do so in the next post..... for now, i juz feel like typing and typing and typing... crapping for all i care.
hahah.... a random story here. tat day, this tutor, Mr A forgot to zip up his pants, and he was in class. my fren, Taryn (a gal) noticed that there is something wrong with his pants, but dismissed it as something wrong with her eyes. Manatau, he really din zip up his pants, and a guy sitting in front kindly told A tat his pants was not zipped. the next day, Taryn had a swollen eye. Hmm.. Food for thought? wakakaka.....
i tell u, tat was the highlight of the week.. hahhaha....
hmm.... this week was kinda, urm, slow? kinda boring laa... coz even if gt lectures, it's boring and it's only revision... and i cant kacau anyone during class... :( tat's the downside... imagine sitting in the lecture hall, and forced to listen to the lecturer blah-blahing over there, and i HAVE to sit still.. juz coz Michelle and Taryn and Cass are paying attention... :( NT FAIR!!! and tuts were equally as boring. SIGH!!! y do i bother to go the uni?? Oh ya! I know why.
well. i guess i'll juz post those pics and shuddup. oh ya!! to Jie, get well soon ya!! and if i hurt u in any way, gomenasai!! and to evyone reading this, all da best, and gambate!! :D