Sunday, February 15, 2009


So it was Valentine's yesterday. As compared to the other feb 14's in my life, I suppose you could say, that yesterday was joyous? I know, most, if not all my friends disagree with me on this, but, I have my reasons why I hang on. Call me naive, call me stupid, call me brainless. I don't really want to explain my actions to you, because it's going to be a long story, and I'm not really comfortable telling the whole world about it.

But, yes. Valentine's. I gave my girl a wonderful gift, and she loves it. I really hope, we grow old together, for all eternity. If, god forbid, we really don't make it, at least, I know, I did everything I could to hold on to the most amazing girl ever.

However, it was also a sad day for me. A friend's sister passed away yesterday, and that is a very sad news. This friend of mine stood by me and gave me hope and encouragement when I needed it. I'm sorry for her loss. I hope, she'll be alright with time.

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